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my blood python wont eat

22 15:27:12

ok so i got my blood python about 3 weeks ago, the store told me that they had to force feed him ones so i bought and they old me he didn't eat by next time bring in, so i did and they force feeding again, the guys at the store show me how to do it, so one week pass and i went got him a rat and he didn't eat it the pet store told me try to give him vitamin b12 so i did and he throw it up,  so i know that i have stress him out so i didn't bother him for a few day and i try feeding him agin like 5 day later and he still wont eat and his a young blood python so what should i do?

OK, no more force feeding for at least 1 month.  I want you to set up the cage so that he has a hide box with WET spagnum moss in the bottom of it (even a little standing water would be ok).  Then make sure the air temp in the cage is at least 85F.  Then don't touch him for 7 days.  Once all that is done, place the prey right in front of the hide box and watch.  If he doesn't take it within 5 minutes remove it and try again in 8-12 hours.  If live doesn't work try dead (again right in front of the hide box).  My bloods NEVER came out of their hides except to poop here and there.  Once it has fed twice you may start handling it again.  If it hasn't fed in one month force it once and start over.