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2 year old, 3.5ft corn snake

22 15:27:39

My son has 2 x 3.5ft male cornsnakes, both about 2 years old, in a 1.5ft x 1ft x 1ft high vivarium.  One of them has always been very sedentary, the other one more active.  However, recently, the latter has been almost hyperactive and we are rather concerned as he never seems to stop moving!  Neither has eaten for couple of weeks (currently feeding them on half grown mice as they weren't keeping down the full grown ones) but they both shed last week and that seems to make them less hungry for a while.

Both snakes are in good condition with glossy skin, well rounded bodies and have always been in good health.

Do you think there is anything wrong with my hyperactive snake, though?  I would welcome your thoughts.  



  I do not think that either condition that you have described indicates illness of any kind. However, 1.5X1X1 is a very small enclosure to keep any snake in, much less two. If I were you, I would separate them into a minimum of 20 Gal (long) tanks. My snakes all have 48" X 36" X 18" enclosures.