Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > boa and python

boa and python

22 15:32:48

QUESTION: hi i have a young red tail female boa i think she is 2 or 3 years old and she is 6ft in length. what i wanted to know was i am getting a burmese royal python she is also 2 years old and about 8ft long can i keep them in the same tank for a short while say about 2-3 months while i build a vivarium for the python please could you let me know asap as i am supposed to pick her up tomorrow thanks

ANSWER: Hello Andrew,

It should be fine. You might keep an eye on them for the day to make sure they get along ok.

Eric Rovegno

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi i also wanted to know if you could tell me if my boa is ok or does she need to go to the vets to be checked out as i don't want to get the python and they both die of dececes. the problem is i bought her from the pet shop over three weeks ago and i have noticed that she wont eat and that she sometimes spends a lot of time near the vent at the top back end of my tank and now for the past three days spends all her time in the water bowl i have for her could you tell me if there is anything serious wrong and if i need to take her to the vets please reply ASAP thank you again for your time. PS i was wondering could the temperature and humidity be wrong thanks

Hello Andrew,

You may want to bring her to a vet as well as the Burmese. Boas and Pythons each have their own diseases that can potentially kill the other. Not saying they have any diseases but what might not kill one can kill another within weeks.

I would have the Vet check for parasites and possibly take a blood sample to have tested for known diseases.

Whenever you get a new snake you should quarantine them for a good month.

As for the eating, some snakes take some time to adjust to the new environment before they feel comfortable enough to eat. As for the head by the vent. Is there enough air flow going into the tank? Maybe the air inside the tank might be kind of stuffy. Just a thought.

Eric Rovegno