Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > pink skin?

pink skin?

22 15:31:49

ive had my boa for 1month or so now and everythings good she eat awesome shes friendly shes shed once so far.but i noticed after first shed her skin was a bit more pink didnt think nothing of it then i fed her a couple days ago and when she came out of her hiding rock i noticed she was alot more pink on body and head was alot more this normal?

Hi Damien,

Red tail boas do have a pink tinge to their skin and as they get older the tinge will either become more or less prominent with each shed. so this does sound normal except for the change in colour over a few days.

in some occaisions temperatures can affect the colour of your snake as it affects how much blood is at the surface of the skin. cold temperatures can cause a more blackened appearance and warm a brighter or redder appearence. therefore i would check you temperatures encase they are too high. they should be around 84F in the middle of the tank with a hotspot of up to 95F at one end.

i hope this helps,
