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The vomiting Ball Python

22 15:36:59

I have had a Ball Python for 18 months and he has been doing well until recently. Over the last 2 months he regurgitates his live mouse meal 24-48 hours after ingestion. Any suggestions?  Do snakes get bowel obstructions?  Thanks for any help

HI Kip.  That is very odd for him to be regurgitating this food after doing well for so long. It is usually associated with stress or incorrect care, but there is a possibility of for disease/illness also that should always be investigated. Try giving less or smaller food to prevent future problems and wait a good couple of week before offering food again between feedings. More common causes for regurgitation is handling snakes less than 24 hours after feeding and abrupt temperature changes up to three days after feeding. Diseases that cause regurgitation include toxicity or parasites internally. No matter what the cause, the potential consequences of regurgitation include dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. It is always advisable to administer hydration fluids, containing electrolytes and to do a fecal examination to rule out parasitism. Regurgitated food and feces should be collected in separate plastic or ziplock bags and taken with the animal to a Veterinarian who specilizes in reptiles. Let me know how he does.  Take care