Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > california kingsnake { named: Fluffy}

california kingsnake { named: Fluffy}

22 15:37:15

I recently got a California kingsnake. I'm not sure how old she is, but she is about 18 inches long. She is black and yellow.Does this make it a female black and white kingsanke? So far when I pick her up{several times a day} she usually pees or poops. Now sometimes I notice a fishy odor to her. I was wondering if this is normal scent because of going to the bathroom or if this means something is wrong with her? I would also like to know how many hours of light during summer days and winter days?Also, what is the ideal temperature of her cage to be at? You see , after getting the snake I realized that the pet store didn't seem to know a lot about her and her care. I also found out through  a reptile hobbyist that I know,he says the stores reputation for selling sick reptiles is pretty bad. He has bought 2 lizards and 1 snake from them, and all have been sick and died. Please answer soon, THANK-YOU.

Hi Teri.  Congrats on your Cal King.  My favorite snake!  Let me answer your questions in order.  First, the coloring of a king will not tell you if it's female or male. You have to have them probbed by a professional to find this out. Secondly...the odor you are noticing is completely normal.  He/She is "musking".  Since you are handling him everyday he will eventually become calm and not musk much.  Lastly...I am giving you a wonderful website address that will tell you everything you need to know about the temperatures/lighting and basic care of  your Cal King.  Just copy and paste the below address into your browser window :-)  Good luck.