Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > albino brooks kingsnake

albino brooks kingsnake

22 15:27:05

i see discoloration in my snakes body like he had black spots on the inside of him whats that? and he seems to be turning a more yellow color he did just shed bud he's usually a more milky yellow.. what's that about ?

hey arielle,

the black spots could be caused by mites, so you might want to check these. When they mites bury under the scales you can see these through the scales as tiny black spots. Snakes will slightly change colour as they get older so this is probably nothing out of the ordinary. If you can't find mites anywhere then i dont really know, its hard to decide what the problem is without a pic. i recommend you take your snake to the vet in this case just in case it is something serious.

i hope this helps
