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Black snake w/yellow spot.

22 15:20:58

I live in S.E. Massachusetts.  I bumped into a snake today that caught my attention.  We have many garter snakes and I have seen many garter snakes in my life but never one like this one.

It was all black with a yellow spot behind its head approx. 8 inches.  It seemed very aggressive.  It felt very secure with coming towards me.  I wished I had a camera with at the time.

I am concerned as to the species of the snake.  Is this enough information for you?  I am sure I could find it again if I looked hard enough.  I am just more afraid of finding daddy or grandpa.

Hi bill,

The only snake I can think of with this type of coloring is a ringneck snake. There are several species of ringneck snakes that range from gray to black with a colored ring around the neck ranging from red to yellow. They will also have a colored belly. But being aggressive does not sound like a ringneck. Usually they are very elusive. I can guarentee you its nothing venomous with that type of coloring. Next time you see it try and catch it so you can get a better look at it. I hope I was able to help.