Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > which snake to choose

which snake to choose

22 15:30:04

hello i would like to get my first snake. i have a 3.5 foot
fish tank i would like to convert in to a snake habitat i
am just trying to choose a suitable snake that i can house
in it preferably for the rest of its life. do you know of
any and  what i would need to convert the tank. many thanks

You need a lid, a heat source, a water dish, and bedding.  As to the snake, it depends on where you live and what is available.  Almost any colubrid (rat,king,milk) snake would work.  A ball python, a rosy boa, or a sand boa would also be fine.  My personal favorite is the corn snake, they come in many colors, are easy to care for, and make very good pets.