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How to find a local breeder for rosy boas?

22 15:37:07

My family is researching snakes that might make a good pet for my 10-year-old son (with careful parental back-up, of course), and we are attracted to rosy boas for their small size, relatively easy care requirements, and good temperament. I have been searching the internet for a breeder within easy driving distance of our home in Dallas, TX, and so far have found no one. What is the best way to go about finding a good breeder in our area?

A lot of breeders on the net will ship snakes, but for an animal that can suffer so severely from stress, it seems that shipping would be the worst possible thing you could do to a snake. What advice can you give us?

Hi Michelle  I am glad to hear you are leaning toward getting a Rosy Boa for your son.  I have two and they are very wonderful snakes to have as pets.  Calm and easy to care for. It is hard to find a breeder in your exact area and shipping is most likely your best bet.  I understand your concern with the heat and such for shipping.  But I do recommend a great Breeder company here in Ca that uses disposable cooling pads for shipping their snakes overnight.  I have ordered from them many a time and they are always healthy and comfortably cooled.  Their site is LLLREPTILE.COM.  If you still decide not to do the shipping (or at least wait till the winter months) than I would recommend talking with local reptile/pet stores in your area and have them order you one.  Good luck and thanks for writing.