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Ball python striking but not grabbing

22 15:33:29

We have a ball python that we attained from a friend about 3 weeks ago. We gave him his "acclimation" period before handling. He shed several days ago as well. We've put in a small rat for him several times now (as this was how he was previously being fed). He strikes at it, even seems eager. But he doesn't seem to grab it when he strikes. The only successful strike he's done so far is on my daughter's arm. I'm concerned about him not grabbing the rat when he strikes it. Any advice?

Hello Candice,

You should ask the person where you got him from how they were feeding him. Were they using feedin tongs or feeding frozen thawed, or did they leave the rat in the tank for a while.

You may want to consider holding the baby rat in front of him until he grabs it.

Let me know if this helps. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me again.

Eric Rovegno