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Ball python not active during day or night

22 15:29:29

I recently bought a young ball python, approx 18 inches, about 4 wks ago. Got a 20 gal tank and temp is around 80-85 degree w humidity between 40-50 avg. Over the past 4 wks hes eaten three times and shedded once. Seems pretty healthy but he isnt active at all. I feed him pinkies, and he only pops out of his hiding to eat then goes rite back in. I've handled him maybe 3 days a wk and he doesnt seem afraid. But as soon as he's back in the tank he goes straight to his hole and never comes out, not even at night. Is this normal.

Hey Yugi,

The first thing I might tell you to do differently is to take him out to feed. Meaning place him in a Tupperware container for now till he gets bigger then switch to a larger tub. Ball pythons are not naturally active animals during the day time. Out in the wild they hunt for their prey at night. The ambient air temp is lower at night.

The temp should be 90-95 degrees throughout the tank and there should be a hot spot at around 100. The humidity level should be around 60-65%. This is ideal temps for a ball python. I think you might see an increase in activity if you raise everything. I am not saying you will see your snake all day but you might see it more at night around 7-8 PM.

Hope this helps,