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Traveling with a Snake

22 15:37:42

Tia.  I have a Ball Python.  A young python, it is only about 6 months old and less then 2 feet in length.  I am being moved from Maryland to Colorado very soon and will be living in a hotel room for at least 2 weeks without my terrarium.  Is it safe to take the snake on a flight and what would i do to care for it while flying.  Then when i arrive at my destination, can i keep him in the temporary travel container for the two or so weeks until the terrarium arrives?  Thanks for you help.

Hello Joe,

I'd call the airlines first and see what their restrictions are about snakes/animals.

It's ok to have your snake in a travel case until you're able to transfer to the terrarium.

Just make sure you give him water and keep an eye on him:)

Wish you the best and hope you have a safe flight:)

Hope this helps feel free to ask anytime.