Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Captive/ wild Corn Snake

Captive/ wild Corn Snake

22 15:20:33

I found a 3 foot Corn snake in my garage earlier this week. The snake did not try to get away when I reached down for it and has been extremely docile. I have 3 young children who have held the snake numerous times and shown it off to friends. My daughter watched tv for about an hour holding the snake and it never attempted to get away. We have made it a habitat and it has defecated once and is drinking. My question, do you think this snake has been living in the wild or has been someone's pet? If it is wild I'm happy to return it to nature but I would love to keep it and hopefully find its owner if captive.  There is a scar on its underside that is healed but appears to be some type of burn mark. Just wondering your expert opinion. Thank you!

Holly, no way I can know for sure w/o seeing it (even then I could only guess).  Corns are known to be very docile that's why they make such great pets.  If you live in an urban area the snake is probably better off as a pet(IMHO), so many other people would have just killed it.  If you want to send me a picture I might be able to tell wild/captive born based on color and/or pattern.