Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > will taking my boa eat again if i take him for a drive

will taking my boa eat again if i take him for a drive

22 15:26:22

my boa isn't eating i've looked up on the internet how to get him eating. its come up a couple of times that takimg him for a 10 to 15 minute drive will get him eating is this true and how would it work or am i just being had. thank you.

Hi Ruth,

i have never heard this advice but if you ask me, chances are it will probably make the problem worse. the driving will cause a lot of vibrations and snakes are very sensitive to vibrations - its how they hear. this will more than likely make no difference or make the problem worse.

if a snake stops eating it is probably a problem with the setup or due to the fact that it is breeding season currently. check your set up especially your temps ; ).

thanks for your question,
