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caramel corn snake

22 15:26:22

Just bought a corn snake love it to pieces but it seems to be skittish with me, had him only a week, and i just read up he is in breeding mode could that be the answer or is it that give it more time to get to know my smell and who i am. Thank you

Hi Andrew,

generally when first buying a corn snake, at the shop i work we advise people not to handle it for the first 4 weeks at least. they need to get comfortable with their new home and surroundings. otherwise they may become stressed, skittish, aggressive, or go off their food.

many young corns are quite skittish to begin with anyway and chances are, as it grows it will calm down. give it some time alone to get used to his new home and try handling him again in a few weeks. taming a snake takes time and patience, dont worry if it is not the most well behaved snake in the world straight away ;).

thanks for your question,
