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my snake isnt eating

22 15:33:10

I dont know the gender as i didnt feel it important i love it without knowing, it turned 2 in febuary and hasnt eaten for about 2 months. ebery thing else is fine, sheds when it should, drinks its i noticed his bum hole was slihtly open and a tiny bit of see through liquid was poking out.....what shall i do i it dying?? i dont know what i would do

I doubt it's dying I have no idea what the liquid would be aside from just urine it's kind fo normal for a snake to not eat for awhile when it comes into it's first breeding season depending on the species of snake it may just be sexually mature andnot interested in food at the moment.  If it doesn't begin eatign again in a few weeks you may wan to worry alittle but if it's not losing any weight or doesn't seem weak then you're probably ok.