Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Ball Python Scale rot

Ball Python Scale rot

22 15:29:52

 I think my ball python has a small case of scale rot and i was hoping i could figure a way to fix the prob. Any names of ointments etc.?

If you notice any chipped or discolored - pink, red or brown - scales in the abdominal region of your python, it is probably suffering from scale rot. This disease could affect just a few scales or a single area or multiple areas.

Sometimes the cause for scale rot can be an internal infection that works its way to the outside and manifests itself as scale rot.

However the most common cause is improper cage hygiene.

If the cage is not regularly cleaned and disinfected, the python may have to bask in its urine and feces for prolonged times and develop scale rot.

A topical application of over the counter triple-antibiotic should clear up this problem. But you will have to transfer the animal to another cage while you THOROUGHLY clean and disinfect its current cage.

While the animal is being treated, do NOT allow it to soak in water. Give it water in a bowl that is just large enough for it to drink from.

There now ... that wasn't so scary, was it?

The above is an excerpt from the free newsletter on "Python Secrets" published by Geostar Publishing & Services LLC.