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inapetant corn snake

22 15:26:18

Hi, I have had my corn snake for 8 years now. He has generally been a good eater sometimes going for a few weeks without eating but generally that is normally when he is shedding. I feed him an adult mouse once a week but he hasnt touched a mouse for about 6 weeks so am getting worried now. I have recently moved house but he has eaten since i have been here and seems quite active. I keep offering him mice but he doesnt seem interested so i don't know what to do?

  It is most likely the changing of the season. If you have kept him for 8 years, I am sure your husbandry is fine. I once had a Macklot's python that went 6 moths or more without eating. If your guy gets beyond 4 months, I'd take him to the vet.