Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > ball python hissing

ball python hissing

22 15:32:36

Thanks for all your previous help Eric. You've been a real lifesaver. My 8 month old ball python hissed at me yesterday when i tried to pick him up. It was at night after he came out of his hide. I left him alone and did not pick him up. I just wanted to know if i did the right thing or maybe now he knows that he can just his and i will leave him alone.It was the 1st time he ever hissed at me.
Thanks again for all your help,

Hi Gabe,

I'm glad I can help.

The hissing is just a sign that she may not be in the mood. You should still pick her up and hold her for about 20 minutes each day. You can gradually increase this time each week. This will help her to get used to being held.
