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Rosy Boa Handling

22 15:20:53

I have a young Rosy Boa and I handle her almost every day. She seems to like it, although I read somewhere that handling a snake too often can be bad for their health. I can't find any answers that are species specific for her and was wondering exactly how often SHOULD I be handling her?

Jeffery,    You have a beautiful snake on your hands !!!! As far as handling they are notoriously shy creatures. I am sure you have done your homework and know this guy spends most of the time hiding under rocks and such they are mostly nocturnal. You know not too handle her for a awhile after feeding. If she is young and you are still doing every other day feedings just wait till you can't see to much bulging but, be very careful. Later when she gets bigger definitely NO handling the first day after a good meal. I would handle her more in the evening. Feed in the morning or early afternoon. Be gentle. Now as she grows you will get to know her personality and she will tell you when she wants to go back home. As soon as my Issac wants out he is rubbing his nose on the top. When he wants to go back he will slither right off my couch and go to the tank or he stares at it. He is so funny. He loves to watch my fish!!!!So I actually have a ledge on the 125 gallon tank hooked in the front he lays there for hours sometimes. I have light on him when he is there of course. He is BIG so he is not so sensitive. Anyway handling right now is very important to bond. Just be gentle and take their wild characteristics into consideration regarding their shyness. If she seems stressed put her back you have years to bond. If you have more questions just ask. Good Luck, Tina