Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > My south american red tail boa

My south american red tail boa

22 15:32:21

Three months ago she had a mouth infection. I treated her with antibiotics. Since then she is not eating and is skinny and and pealing rather than shedding. I'm very worried and I'm not sure how to help her. She is not her normal healthy self and she is only 7 years old. Her name is trouble. Should I force feed her or what? Please help trouble because a vet is more than I can afford at this time. I can email you a picture of her if that will help you.

Hi Kelly,

I would not suggest force feeding as can have an ill affect on Trouble. I would continue to try to feed on your feeding schedule. As far as the shedding in pieces he could be still recovering from the mouth infection. Give him alittle time, if he does not eat within a couple months before trying to force feed.

It might help if you could email me a picture. Visit my site and send the picture through there.

Eric Rovegno