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Kingsnake acting strange for the first time

22 15:31:03


i've had my baby California Albino Kingsnake for almost 8 months now her name is PL (Pink Lemonade). for the pst two weeks she has been spitting back up her meals (two pinkies every wednsday) and now for the past three days she's been moving as though she doesnt have any energy. she also is not sticking her tongue out. does anyone know what is wrong with her because i havent found anything in my research.

  Normally, I would not be too concerned with one vomit, but 2 is a whole different ballgame. There is something wrong. Check your husbandry. If all is well, then take her to the vet. Constant vomiting often leads to death, so the earlier you take her in, the better.