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baby california king snake

22 15:32:09

I have a 4-5 month old california king snake that was found in a garda station.he is tamed now and did eat his 1st pinky.However since then he reguritates his food after every meal and hasn't ate in bout 3 wks. he is not handled after he's feed and i was told his cage is the correct temperature. he is not shedding but has a greenish/yellowish colour from his stomach down. i've tried avipro plus which did give him an appetite but he still reguritates. could you tell me whats wrong with him?

Lyn, I can't tell you specifically, but I can tell you he is very sick.  So sick that I doubt he will survive.  You needed a vet like 3 weeks ago...  That greenish color is probably necrosis of his organs which you are seeing through the skin, but I can't be sure w/o seeing the snake.  I'm sorry I don't have better news...  He may have gotten into some harmful chemicals at the garden center, they are full of them.