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Ball Python has hypothermia

22 15:32:25

Short version.  Young ball python, pet store told me he had mites and to put him in bleached cage with paper towels, water dish and to lightly coat him with olive oil but no lights or I would cook him. Came home to find him in wet paper towels and freezing. He had undertank heater on but the paper towels were wet and when I picked him up he was very cold. I washed the olive oil off him, put him back in his tank with bedding and basking light.  He is now clearly sick and I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to keep him from dying at this point.

Hello Sandy,

It sounds like one problem after another. The first thing is to control the internal tank air temp. The air temp needs to be around 75-85 degrees with the hot spot being at 92-95 degrees.

You might consider using aspen instead of the paper towels. As long as you had used the bleach water mixture in the tank and on any ornimental objects. Pet Smart sells a great mite ridding oil. I have heard of olive oil but never tried it.

As long as you can take control of the environment in the tank you shouldn't have to worry about a dead snake. If you feel things are not improving then you should bring him/her to a vet familiar with reptiles.

Hope this helps

Eric Rovegno