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2 corn snakes together

22 15:37:33

2 weeks ago me and my partner purchased a corn snake.It wasnt an adult and it wasnt a hatching.Its fattest part is probably an inch.Somebody heard we had a cornsnake and gave my boyfriend a cornsnake about 9 inches long.He didnt say where he got it from and we cant get in touch with him.We have put the corn snakes in together and the bigger cornsnake is permanently on top oof the smaller one in its little hiding place.Is this normal and is it safe to keep corn snakes together when one is so tiny compared to the other

Hi there, it is a very bad idea to keep them together. Worst case is that the bigger one will eat the small one. Corns have been known to eat each other. The bigger one is dominant and causing stress to the small one, it may stop eating and fail to thrive. Even if you dont see these problems, if either of them gets pregnant too early,they may die. I would split them right away. Corns are solitary in the wild and no not live together. I have 6 corns and house them all seperately. Hope this helps. good luck

Hi again, I know it might look cute, but corns do not show affection for each other. They do not have maternal instinct as they lay eggs and never see their young, so this isnt what the bigger snake is doing to the other one. It would be nice if it was, but the only time they come together is when they mate in the wild. I have seen pictures of corns eating other corns and they arent pretty. Housing them together is a big risk. They dont like company, they would rather be kept alone to do whatever they want to do without the stress of another one around. Hope this helps. Take care