Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Burmese python agersion

Burmese python agersion

22 15:32:30

ok i have a 6 week old burmeses python shes a beautiful snake and was ultra
tame    but ten i went on vacation and had to feed her a little early from
usaual and she went on like a feeding frenzy    now that im back every time i
even walk in my room she gets in strikeing mode and when i go to pick her
up she hisses and ocasonly strikes but once i get her out shes fine    How do i
stop this because i realy dont want to have some pissed off snake thats gona
be 20' long      sooooo    HELP       lol

Hi John,

Ok, so the first question would are you feeding her in her tank? If you are then you might consider feeding in a separate tank or cage. I know this may sound silly because after a couple years your not going to be able to do this. At the point she is to big to really handle you are going to have to feed her in her tank again. You should be able to handle her more after a few feedings.

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovegno