Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > burnt costal carpet python

burnt costal carpet python

22 15:30:12

My 5 year old  carpet snake dissapeared a mounth ago she came out this morning from behind the stove/oven. she is burnt/ singed on her 3/4 of her belly and the tip of her tail is hard and burnt. what do you reccomend that we do for her? i konw she need mostiure to her skin i have put her in soaking but is this right. she drunk heaps but would not take food as of now.thsre is sand on the bottom of her enclosure is this good or not for her recovery. thank you so much for your time

Sand is bad!  What you are describing sounds pretty bad.  As such, you really need to take the snake to a vet (SOON).  They will need to assess the damage and give a care plan.  I am not qualified nor do I have the drugs, tools, etc. to deal w/ anything this bad.  Good Luck! BPC