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Adding another corn snake

22 15:26:59

Hi Andrew. I was wondering if you could answer the question I have regarding adding another corn snake. I have owned my 4 1/2 foot long female okeetee corn snake for about six years and I wanted to aquire another one. I have a 45 gallon enclosure for her so I would definately have enough room for two, I'm pretty sure. She's been alone her whole life, except when she was a baby, and I was wondering whether it would be ok to introduce her to another adult corn snake. Would they get along ok? Would I have to buy another female to go with her? Thanks so much.

Hi Jack,

Chances are introducing another adult corn would go down fine with her but you need to be aware that some snakes may not get along with others in the same way some people dont get along. so you need to be careful when first introducing them and check for fighting and from then keep an eye on their feeding. if one stops eating you may need to separate.

if you dont want babies it would be best to get another female to put in with your current snake. but if you dont mind babies a male would get along just as well as another female.

i hope this helps,
