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Young Albino California King Snake

22 15:29:38

I just recently bought my snake it is a female and she is about 17 inches long.  This is the first snake that I have owned and am excited. I have had her about a week and I fed her first on monday and then two days later she shed I am just wondering if this is normal? How often should my snake shed?  And how long after shedding is it ok to hold her? And is it completely necessary to have a lamp over her cage?  The only way that I have been finding information on her by just researching; so if you could answer my questions, "Matilda" and I would appreciate it.


Snakes shed about every 6-8 weeks or so. It's dependent on how well they are eating, as shedding means that they have outgrown their current skin. It's perfectly fine to hold the snake after shedding. The only time that you shouldn't hold it is within 48 hours of it's last meal. You should make sure that the cage temp is room temp on one end, and about 82-85 on the other end. You mill need to measure the temp to be sure. Depending on the bult, a lamp might make it too hot. You can find a good book on kingsnakes at: