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blood python

22 15:30:03

I recently got a blood python from a friend that could no longer care for it. It's a 5 year old male, about 5 and a half feet long, he's in a 2 foot by 3 foot enclosure with a heat pad on one side, heat light on the other side. The temp is about 84 degrees with a basking area of about 92 degrees. Humidity is about 50 percent. My question is...I feed him a thawed rat, he struck at it, squeezed it,smelled it all over and then left it. He did not eat it. Should i remove it and try again another time?

Hello Allen,

You should leave it in there. The snake was tasting the rat so when he comes back later he can smell it. If he does not eat it within an hour remove it and try again. Did your friend tell you he fed frozen thawed or live?

Snakes are picky when it comes to food. They will stick to what they are used to most of the time.

Hope this helps,