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Corn snake maturity

22 15:19:46

I got two corn snakes from the same breeder at a reptile expo- one in late December 2012 and the other in early March 2013. They were both marked as females and are the same age and size- they're both about 2 1/2 MAYBE 3 years old, roughly 3- 3 1/2 feet or so long (estimating based on their shared 4 foot long cage). They've shared their cage since I got the second corn snake with no problems. They are housed on EcoEarth as their substrate. I feed both f/t separately every week.
I was in the hospital for a week at the beginning of October this year. During that time, my first corn- according to my significant other- was very restless, wouldn't stay in one area for very long, was out whether the lights were on or off- was basically active literally 24/7. She refused food the week before I went into the hospital and the two weeks after I came home. She finally ate the 3rd week and has eaten regularly since. Now she's back to her usual self- hiding during the day, exploring as she sees fit at night.
Now my other corn- for the last week and a half to two weeks- has been doing the exact same thing as the first except she keeps moving the substrate out of the corners in a 1/3- 1/2 foot wedge shape, occasionally doing so in other areas. They are in a sliding glass door cage and the gap between the two doors is barely big enough for her to get her nose partially through- yet a few days ago she managed to squeeze her head and the first 3 inches of her body through. She backed out as soon as she realized no more of her body was going to fit. She's always been my most picky eater yet the last couple feedings she's been the first one done.
These were my first two snakes so I'm still learning. (I got 4 more female babies- each born in late July or early August of this year and the same size, housed in a different tank together- November 8th of this year)
Please help me figure out what is going on with my corns. I'm confused by all of this.

When pressure and temp changes outside happen, it can cause snakes and reptiles to act up. It has started getting colder here where I live and while my snakes are all in a heated room in heated racks, they are pretty normal. Some have gone off food but that is about it, my tegu's though have started to hibernate.

I strongly advise not to house them together or on coconut husk. For one it holds to much humidity and can throw them off and cause scale rot for them. Also they can ingest it really easily and that stuff will build up and cause major issues inside them. I only put corns on aspen shavings when they are adults, babies stay on paper towels until they are a year old.

I give them about 3 inches of shavings since they burrow. But colubrids are known to eat eachother, you do not ever want to house snakes together as they are solitary animals 100%. Never, ever should they be together except to breed. But if your corns get to hungry ever they could very well try eating eachother, or they can eat themselves even.

It is really common in colubrids, so I would really advise putting them in different tanks. Make sure your heat is correct, they prefer lower temps. If it is to hot for them they will become restless trying to get away from the heat and higher heat will also speed their digesting up, making them hungry more often.

Divide them up, change their bedding and check their temps and humidity for the next month. But this time of year snakes tend to act weird ( whether for breeding reasons or not), so I wouldn't read to much into it. If your heat is correct right now, check the feeding amount. The food should leave a decent sized lump in the snake ( general rule is you want the rodent just slightly bigger than the largest part of the snakes body).

Some people feed colubrids 2 small meals a week, one every 3 days or so, to prevent them from getting to hungry and eating themselves. Let me know if anything else happens with them.