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baby snake...

22 15:36:36

I am from Romania but I currently live in Germany. Last week i found a dead baby snake and today another one was slithering around the entrance to my basement. It was around 6 inches long, thin, dark grey, with two white spots on either sides of its head..neck...whatever...
I wanted to get a better look and as it felt me, it curled up, made itself look bigger blowing up...or something, and actually took some some snaps whenever i moved. It was too small to try anything more, but I'm afraid it's mom can't be too far behind.I took a picture of it if it would help. I just want to know if it's dangerous in any way.
Thank you

Hi Aura
Yes, I would need to see the picture you took to give my opionion. From what you described the snake sounds very much like a Grass snake (ringed snake) with the scientific name:
Natrix natrix
Try going to Google images and type in the name and see if the pictures resemble the snake you saw :-)