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2 ball pythons unpopped

22 15:27:36

I have 2 ball pythons, One 4 ft adult and one baby 1-2 ft. I don't know the right age 2 get them popped and I don't want anyone 2 injure my snakes. My 4 ft snake is about 3-5 in diameter at the thicest part and my baby is about .5-1.5 in thick. Would you happen 2 know the gender of my ball pythons?

Hi JoJo,

unfortunately there are no distinguishable differences between genders of ball pythons and the only certain way to tell their gender is to get them 'probed' by a professional. even then it can be hard to tell.

if you take your snakes to a reptile pet shop, they should be able to accurately and safely probe them and tell you the genders.

thanks for your question,
