Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > My snake sneezes around me

My snake sneezes around me

22 15:31:27

I just had a question about my 9 month female ball named Moko.    She likes to crawl around my shirt and robe but recently she makes a what sounds like a small sneeze. But I only here it when she is under my clothes and they are seldom. Could she be allergic to my clothes or detergent or me? Or is this something more serious? Thank you for listening to my situation.


Hi Danielle,

It is hard to say. If you are not hearing any wheezing from her any other time then it could be just that she is trying to gasp for air under you garments. If you do hear wheezing other time like when she is in her tank then you could have a respiratory infection easily fixed. Just check your temps and humidity.

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovegno