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baby cornsnake and shedding

22 15:33:32

Ok around the end of january i bought a baby cornsnake from a breeder, that
night she escaped- not thinking that she would ever be found in the house
with 3 inside dogs i went to petco and bought another baby corn. well 2 days
later we found the original one and we now have had both since then. judging
by their size similarity i figured them to be about the same age. the corn
from the breeder has noticeably gotten bigger and has now shed twice. the
"replacement" from petco has not grown any and has not shed at all. we are
feeding both 1 pinkie each once a week. the one from petco has never
refused a meal and is eating regularly. I have no idea what could be wrong.
please help me out here

Hey Sarah

Every snake is different, and they will have different shedding times and growth patterns. It does concern me a little that the corn from Petco hasn't shed yet, so it might be a good idea to make them a little shed box (Little box filled with damp papertowels or moss) just in case he needs a damper place to shed. As long as they are both eating, I wouldn't get worried.