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rattle snakes

22 15:33:31

iv coght many ratle snakes in my area and every time iv thought about keeping one. im 14 and have a king snake[wild coght] a cenrial american boa a bearded dragon, 3 fence lizards [wild coght] and 2 leos. i have a wood hand made 55 gallon tank with lockable screen ready for is, but my real quition is do u think i could handle haveing one and if so do u have any other reqierments u can recomend? plz get to me thx =]

To be perfectly honest I've kept eastern diamondbacks since I was 15-16 so to say a flat no without much explanation would be a bit hypocritical.  First it depends on your local laws and what state you are in if you are in an area which requires a permit I would say a flat no the risks of fines alone should be deterrent enough.  Second you have to understand there's a very real risk of being killed by the animal I explain that even to people older than I am when selling them a venomous animal.  Last wild caught animals are much more difficult to get to feed and getting rattlesnakes to feed can be slightly more difficult than say a wild caught king or corn.  So really my answer is wait a few more years buy the proper equipment hooks, tongs, pinners, tube sets, etc etc.