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Blood and mucus from mouth of red tail boa

22 15:33:31

We have had this boa for about 7 years and he wasn't even 1 when we bought him.  In the last 2 months we have found him rubbing bloody mucus from his nostrols and mouth all over his cage.  This has happened twice the first time this happened we thought that he was stricking at our Yorkie because it was time for his feeding, the amount of blood was not overwhelming so we feed him, he ate and we went on.  This time we got home from work and there was dried blood and mucus ALL over his cage and we can't even tell if it came from his nose at all.  We have talked to our local pet store owner and he says maybe a respitory infection or maybe he really wants to eat that Yorkie.  We bought more rats and he won't touch them.  He has up to this point always been a really good eater so this is strange.  He has been drinking water (with listerine) and sitting under his heat light.  Please hep us figure out what to do for him.

Something like this does sound like a respiratory infection like the pet store suggested. It may also be caused by your snake striking the glass of his cage like you suggested. But because of his sudden innapetance it sounds more like its an illness of some sort.

Either way its best to get him checked out by a vet so that they can give you a definate diagnosis of the problem.

Thanks for your question,
