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Carolina corn snake

22 15:31:30


I have a carolina corn snake hes a year and a half old and about 38" long. He escaped about a week and a half ago and i have tried all the tricks in the book to try and catch him and have had no hope. I fed him a week befoe he went missing and i am worried that he migh get ill or die if he doesnt eat soon! How long can a snake of my snakes size last without it effecting its health badly? and is there any tricks that have worked for you or anyone you know that would help me find him?

Hope you can help i miss him very much.


Hi Tasha,

Here are a few suggestions on where to look for him.

1. Around the heating vents or base board depending on what you have. If you have base board look to see if there are holes in your walls. They will crawl into these and hang out in the wall.

2. Look in the back of your refrigerator. This a a common spot for snakes to go and hide out, its warm an moist.

3. If you have a dish washer look behind it.

4. If you have a washer and dryer look in the back of them.

I have had to open my wall up some to get to one of mine who got out. I enticed her some with a mouse so I could get a grip on her.

As far as how long they can survive and not loose to much weight. Snakes can last as long as a year without eating and be as healthy as the day you got them..

I hope this helps, please let me know if you find her.

Eric Rovegno