Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Handling a new albino corn snake

Handling a new albino corn snake

22 15:32:08

I just purchased a young albino corn snake.  The first time I tried to handle him, he struck at me and now I'm a bit frightened.  How do you recommend removing a hiding albino corn snake from its habitat and handling it?  Thanks in advance for your help!

First make sure your cage temp isn't too hot. There should be a cool end of room temp (70s) and a warm temp (mid 80s). Having it too hot on both ends will make the snake flightier. If that's not the problem, make sure you're feeding the snake enough. A hungry snake is more likely to strike. Lastly, the only thing that will make it easier to handle is to handle it. So if you are afraid, buy yourself a pair of gardening gloves and use those to hold your snake until you've built up your confidence and he isn't as afraid of you. And even if you do get bit, young corn snake bites don't hurt a lot. The main thing is not to drop or put it down when it bites, or it learns that biting works.