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22 15:20:38

baby snake
baby snake  
I live in Houston, Texas, and found this baby reddish or brownish snake in my pool while swimming yesterday. At first I thought it was a blind-snake, but its head and tail is pointy. It has a white belly, strange brown marks on its head and is about 7 inches. I tried to touch it, but when I did it jumped, hissed, and tried to bite. I did not pick it up, because I'm scared it's poisonous. I took pictures of it, I can send you the picture of the tail or more, if you need it.
Thanks for helping me.

Nabis, I am sorry it took so long to get back to you. What I think you have is a Texas rat snake. They are non-venomous. I will send you some info on him. The telltale red blotches between the scales on the bottom is the give  So get a net and get him out and don't worry... though,  you don't want to be bit by any wild snake because of infection and you would be wise to get a tetanus if your due if it happens. Good Luck, Tina