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My Poor Ball Pythons Eye

22 15:20:38

My young ball python has an injury on his eye. I just got him recently and in exploring his new tank I think he hurt his eye pretty bad on the tanks top. The top is made of very fine wire to allow air venting. There's not a LOT of blood but he is bleeding, I want to help the poor guy but I don't want to make it worse. He's rubbing his face on everything trying to fix it. He will drag his eye across glass, and his water bowl and his hide too... It looks pretty painful but I'm terrified of making it worse. At the same time I don't want him to get infected. He's a happy, healthy little BP. Let me know if I can do anything for him. if you think he needs a vet limit i'll take him but I'm hurting badly for money so if I can help him I'd prefer to. My girlfriend thinks he'll be ok, she said they get hurt in the wild too and are resilient but I'm worried about my little guy! Thanks for your time and if I don't see improvement by Monday I'm taking him to the vet.

He will probably lose the eye. The best thing you can do is to get rid of the wire on top of the cage and place something smooth and solid on top. Keep the eye covered in 3 in 1 antibiotic ointment. I had a boa with one eye once. It did just fine in captivity. If you notice it getting worse, take him to a vet.