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Ball Python Not Eatting

22 15:37:00

I have had this ball python for a year>I have not had any trouble with him eatting.Now he won't eat,It's been a month now.He looks good and is still active.I've also been trying to get him to eat,no luck.I wave the mouse in front of him and he will not take it.I have left the mouse all night long with my snake.And no luck.What should i do.Or could there been something wrong?Please help me.

I receive many questions on why their ball pythons are not eating normally and as often.  First, ball pythons are notorious for being finicky eaters.  It is normal.  In fact, a month without eating is nothing to worry about in a ball python. No need to worry as of this time.  Some snakes can go up to four months without eating. I have a kingsnake that went almost 6 months before she ate again and is one of my top breeders!    Just keep offering him food once a week for the next month. If he looks healthy, has the proper heating/water and is fairly active he will be fine and eat on his own time.  Keep me posted.  Take care.