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Adult boa wont eat

22 15:32:10

I have a 4 year old adult female albino boa that I purchased about 3 months ago since then she has eaten only once, I asked previous owner every question I could think of about her. I took in a stool sample from the one meal she did eat and it came back negative. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow however to see if he can tell me anything. I have tried frozen thawed and prekilled, tried dangling and just laying it in there all at various times of the day. I was wondering if you might have an answer about what could be going on. I have 13 boas so I do know how to take care of them, have never had one that wasn't an aggressive eater. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Jeanine,
  If you have 13 boas, I am not sure how much help I will be. First off, don't panic. If she is 4, she can go 6+ months without eating at no great risk to her health (I once had a D'Alberts python that went 8 months and now eats every 2 weeks). I would try live. Just watch her from a distance and be ready to move the rat out should she not eat it or if it was to threaten her. You might also try quail, chicks, or hamsters. If you can get a feeding response out of any of these, just scent the next F/T rat with her favorite food item. If she used to eat for the previous owner, it could indeed be a medical condition. Let's hope not, but if so, perhaps the vet will find it on Monday.
Please let me know what you find out.