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garter snakes

22 15:27:01

I think I have a garter snake den in my back yard.  I found
almost a transparent looking garter snake on my cement patio and
have found numerous snakes this year.  My question--how do I get of them? I can not find the den. The snakes have been in the front yard and back yard.  Can that baby garter that I saw travel a long distance?  I am trying to base the location of the den on where I saw that snake.  I have a shed that is on rocks, a wooden deck that is just above the ground.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thought they would be hibernating by now--just saw one yesterday.  I live in Cheyenne WY

Hi Sammy Jay,
  I would not want rid of them. Snakes of all kinds eat rodents and other harmful critters. However, in order to get rid of them, you must eliminate either their food, water, or shelter. Those are the 3 things that the snake needs to thrive. Note: You omitted a word in your question and I am assuming that you want to get rid of the den. If you are seeking to simply find their hiding place, look for any covered sheltered area like that shed that you mentioned.