Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > 2 1/2 ft female ball python.....????

2 1/2 ft female ball python.....????

22 15:30:01

I recently purchased her and fed her immediately. It's been 10 days today and I can't tell that she has pooped...
She has had 3 rat pups...I'm worried that she has too much in her and is uncomfortable. Also she doesn't get into her water...thought that she would

Hello Matti,

I had a question like this before and the people let their snake soak on a bath of warm water. Snakes are not like people they will release their BM when they need to. Because they are cold blooded it takes them longer to digest the food quickly. This is also how they get the nutrition they need to survive.

Go ahead and soak your snake in the warm water and gently rub from the mid body down to help move the poop.

After this you should just wait.