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Rolling corn snake

22 15:36:30

Hi. A month ago I brought a month old Lavender corn. She was quite small compared to the hatchlings I have had before, but I wasn't worried as she would happily eat every 5 days except when shedding. She is now two months old and seems very skinny still (I believe this might just be because she is getting longer) however my main concern is that during the last week she seems to have trouble in co ordinating herself. For example, if she stretches up to try to get out of her container she will flop backwards so that her head is upside down. In order to correct herself she has to roll over which is very distressing to watch. My dad suggested it may have been caused by a stroke? Or maybe its due to inbreeding? I am taking her to the vets but can't get an appointment until Thursday. I was just wondering whether you had heard of this before or had any ideas of what it could be. Many thanks, Kyrsten.

I doubt that it was caused by inbreeding. My guess is that it's some type of birth defect. You can try feeding her a bit more at each meal to see if you can get some more weight on her, but from the sound of it I'm not sure that there's too much you can do to correct the problem.