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green snake ate a small twig while eating a cricket

22 15:30:46

Good evening,

I have green snake, about 3 feet long. It eats 20 -25 crickets a week. Well I noticed that it ate a 1/4 piece of wood with a cricket. It has no pooped in a week or so now, and he has a large bulge new the back of him. What can I do to help him?? My 3 kids 8-10-12 are a bit upset. We found the snake 3 years ago, and named it slimy for the color. PLEASE help if possible!!

Hi Brian,
  It is not uncommon for a captive snake to ingest wood when eating. However, it is never a good thing. The best thing you can do is to take him to a vet. If needed, an exotic vet can take the obstruction out surgically. On the other hand, I have seen snakes pass a lot of things, so it is up to you on what to do. I believe that you never take an animal captive if you are not willing to provide all reasonable care for it. I have a bearded dragon who was calcium deficient from the breeder. Her legs are turned in and cannot be fixed. Long story short, I spend 300.00 on a 50.00 lizard. She is otherwise healthy and happy at the ripe old age of 7. In this case, you are going to spend 100.00 to 1000.00 on a 5.00 green snake. If it was my snake, I would take him to a vet and have an X-ray. If nothing else, they can give you your options.

Good luck!

  If he has eaten since then and he has not passed the wood, things do not look good. Snakes who feed on rats have more of a solid food base to "push" the obstruction out. Be sure to weigh your options at the vet. 6 to 800 is a large sum of money. Looking at the larger picture here, you could rescue a lot of snakes from the local humane society for that price. It stinks to think about it that way, but I would add that as a consideration.
I am also concerned that the snake will not eat after surgery. I'd really hate for you to have the surgery and he refuse food. A lot of options here, none of them good. Anesthetizing a snake is also tricky. Choose a vet with a good reputation.