Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > young red tailed boa

young red tailed boa

22 15:26:13

Hi, I am kinda worried about my snake. I got her a few weeks ago from a pretty good seller. She's very easy to handle, but I've noticed she is retaining her shed. It's been a week since it started peeling but her head is the only place that came off. She is also clicking lightly. What do i do??

The first thing to do is to get her to shed. Soak her in warm water 3X per day and do not peel off the old skin, let her do it. You can also raise the humidity by misting her. She should get rid of the old skin in a day or two. If the clicking continues after she has shed, take her to a vet. It could be a respiratory infection.