Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Blister


22 15:33:49

I am a first time sanke owner and just got a 6yr ball python from a friend of the family about 3 wks ago.  The family who had her before just kept a ceramic coil on top of the cage (the cage is 29" high) and had no other heating.  I thought she needed more heat especially since my apartment is cold.  Anyway, I got a heat pad and placed it under the take.  My snake is  getting ready to shed (how long does that process take?) and about 5 days ago I noticed a "bubble" in her skin about 2" from the tip of her tail.  Since I've never seen a shedding snake up close before, I didn't think much of it.  Tonight I noticed that the bubble has popped and the area is kind of oozing and looks raw---like a popped blister.  Is this likely a burn blister or from something else?  Her cage was freshly cleaned when I got her and I removed her feces immediately after noticing them.  Also, she has pink streaks on the underside of her body but I read that that can happen when they shed.  Any advice/direction would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

Hey Kim

It does sound like a burn blister and will take awhile to heal. Just keep it clean and it shouldn't cause any trouble. The pink streaks are probably just normal for the shed. If they don't go away after the shed,  which should take from 5-10 days depending on the python, time for a checkup. Older ball's take less time as they already know the drill.